Islamic Museum of Australia (Thornbury)

Islamic Museum of Australia (Thornbury)

The Islamic Museum of Australia provides educational and cross-cultural experiences and showcases the artistic and cultural heritage of Muslims in Australia and abroad.

Islamic Museum of Australia (Thornbury)

Through the five permanent galleries - Islamic Faith, Islamic Contributions to Civilisation, Art, Architecture and Australian Muslim History - the museum fosters a more nuanced and realistic understanding of what it means to be an Australian Muslim. By showcasing a wealth of contemporary artistic expression and an extensive cultural heritage, Islamic Museum of Australia facilitates space for critical reflection and personal interpretation - in the act of sharing, common myths and prejudices are dispelled and mutual understanding is established.

Islamic Museum of Australia (Thornbury)

Opening Hours:

Opening Times


Indicative prices are: $12 per adult, $10 per concession, $8 per child, and children five years and under are free.


15 Anderson Road,  Thornbury 3071 Map

1300 915 171

Email Enquiry

Web Links

Islamic Museum of Australia on Facebook

Islamic Museum of Australia (Thornbury)15 Anderson Road,, Thornbury, Victoria, 3071