Indra Road Playground, Blackburn South

"I think the designer was on Wacky Backy when he designed this. The kids kept asking ""What's this?, what's that?"". The climbing structure has a climbing wall but the hand holds are more for decoration than use e.g. starfish shaped holds. Another blue plastic and metal pipe structure (basically indescribable), warped monkey bars, springer and normal swings. Even the wooden seats and table are twisted and warped - it is hard to find a straight line. The playground is situated on a hill above water but it is quite a distance away and you would have to be very inattentive for kids to be able to reach the water e.g. reading War and Peace from cover to cover.
Update in 2013. The wacky world has been straightened up a little as a result of an upgrade of the playground. A standard play structure has been added with a wave slide, climbing wall, ladder with square rungs, shop front, rope bridge, ladder, hanging disks and a flying fox. There are also some large springers and a rocker."
44 Indra Road, Blackburn South 3130 Map