in.cube8r Gallery & Emporium (Fitzroy)

We're a handmade emporium and emerging artist gallery which is home to more than 90 'cubers' and 10-15 visual artists at any one time.
We believe that if retail is to survive in this fast paced digital world it needs to be colourful, varied and exciting. We run this space to be as interactive as possible and encourage our cubers and the general public to engage with us through our cubing system, our group exhibitions, our workshops and as patrons of the arts.
We don't see any reason to buy mass-produced when you can support small businesses, often run by parents of young children, retired people finally doing what they love, students, full time artists and dabblers. There's so much that can be created right here in Melbourne and by supporting local businesses we're shortening the supply chain and helping the public buy directly from the maker.
Our exhibition spaces provide a place for visual artists to exhibit their work, be it through one of our solo shows, almost solo shows (4-6 artists exhibiting a range of work) or themed group exhibitions (10+ artists working to a theme).
We provide a place for artists to exhibit their work commission free while still reaping the benefits of being involved in a showcase including a show opening, online catalogue of works and a combination of digital and traditional marketing.
Opening Hours:
Opening Times
Free admission
321 Smith Street, Fitzroy 3065 Map
✆ 0414 736 659
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ in.cube8r Gallery & Emporium (Fitzroy)
→ in.cube8r gallery on Facebook