Ian Potter Foundation Childrens Garden (Central Melbourne)

A fantastic garden where children can play, explore, climb, splash, hide and dig. There's lots of fun places to explore including the Ruin Garden, the Meeting Place (which has a water feature that sprays up out of the ground in summer!), a Wetland Area with a 80cm deep pond, Bamboo Forest, The Gorge, ancient redgum which is nearly 10,000 years old, Plant Tunnel, Kitchen Garden and The Rill (a gentle waterway that runs through the Garden). It is possible to follow tracks through the different habitats. Includes a Magic Pudding Statue.
Opening Hours:
Opening Hours
Note: The fountains in the Meeting Place do not operate on days below 25 degrees C and are turned off at 4:30 pm.
For 8 weeks each year, beginning at the start of term 3, The Ian Potter Foundation Children's Garden is closed for its annual winter rest.
Mondays, Tuesdays in term time - booked schools use only
A lovely garden for children with plenty of fun places to explore.
It is not possible to have a picnic in the garden but there are plenty of places outside in the Royal Botanic Gardens. The garden is enclosed by a fence with child proof gate. Water tap is available.
The Children's Garden is located at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Observatory Precinct, Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne.
Parking is a combination of paid parking and free parking on various days and times. If you do a lap around the area you may be able to find some free parking.
Even though the garden is lovely, I would not make a special trip into the city just for the Garden. Combine it with a picnic or some other activity.
Cnr Birdwood Ave and Dallas Brooks Dr, Melbourne 3000 Map
Web Links
→ The Ian Potter Foundation Childrens Garden
→ 100 Free Water Play Spaces in Melbourne and Regional Victoria