H.P. Zwar Reserve Dog Off Leash Area (Preston)

From the Margaret Walker Reserve in the north east corner, the ground drops away to an area with an oval and a car park. Dogs need to be on lead within 10m of organised sporting events. There is a smallish grassy area around the perimeter of the oval. In one corner are some cricket nets and in another corner is a pavilion where there are toilets which are only open during special events and a bin. Some parts of the reserve have a fence and there are a small number of trees on the south side for shade.
The good news is that the Preston Campus of Melbourne Polytechnic is next door if you feel that your pooch would benefit from some higher education. I hear on the grape vine that they are great at teaching how to do a dog roll.
There was no water tap - you'll need to go up the hill to the Margaret Walker Reserve for liquid refreshments.
28 Jessie Street, Preston 3072 Map