Howqua - High Country Mini Golf

Hours of fun and entertainment for all the family. The Mini Golf is themed around all the activities you can do in the Mansfield Region.
When you enter the course you are up in the Mountain Cattlemen's country entering via a cattleman's hut.
You go across the head of the Howqua River and drop down to an area where you can play checkers on a paved area. You go over the Howqua Bridge and you're in Mountain bike country where you can stop and have a picnic or BBQ.
To enter the next area you go via the snow chalet and can rest on seats made from snow boards . You leave the snow fields and climb a flight of stairs to walk a catwalk over a small lake full of gold fish - takes you to the rivers and lakes area - the fishing hole.
You get to the end of the fishing fairway and an old Toyota 4WD is bursting out of the bush - you are in 4WD country. You leave the 4WD hole walk across a deck where you can take in all the scenery and then your in Dirt Bike country.
At the end of that hole you can stop and ponder the world or move on to the Horse riding area where you can also play horse shoe throwing.
You leave the horse riding country and come down to the Lake area where you enter the water ski and wake boarding hole.
And last but not lest the lower cool climate brings the food and wine region. The whole course is fenced with grape vines which tie the activities of Mansfield together.
Come and play - you will have a great time.
Opening Hours:
Open to the public 7 days a week.
Located at Howqua Holidays. The Mini Golf course is open to the public and the cost is $5.00 per child, $8.00 per adult and $20.00 for a family (as at May 2011)
Mansfield - Jamieson Road, Howqua 3723 Map
✆ (03) 5777 3588
Web Links
→ Howqua High Country Mini Golf
→ List of Mini Golf courses in Melbourne and Victoria