Horsham Apex Island Park Playground, Barnes Boulevard, Horsham

Walk across a wooden bridge to the island. A huge metal slide awaits you. Down the hill on the other side is a fun play structure with spiral slide, tunnel slide, climbing wall, bridge from a mesh of rubber covered chain, hanging disk traverse, climbing wall with proper climbing holds, monkey bars, spiral ladder, little tunnel, shop front, steps and scrambling wall. An old structure also with metal slide, log roll, chain met climbing frame, monkey rungs, flying fox, steps and swing. Also train springer, swing with four suspended tyres which revolves around, standard swings and a fun stand on carousel.

Shelter with seats, shaded BBQs, unshaded tables and seats. Huge log to climb on. No toilets. Surrounded by the river on all sides so needs care with non swimmers.
10 Barnes Boulevard, Horsham 3400 Map