Holmewood Avenue Park Outdoor Gym (Deer Park)

In the middle of the gym is the Energi Prime Total Body Fitness system which is designed for ages 13 and up. This system provides scope for a range of exercises including:
Angle Bar & Hurdle Exercises
- Lateral low bar jump side to side
- Forward-to-Back walk over
- Lateral step over, touch & back
- Travel bar climb (straight leg)
- Step over, touch & back
- Travel bar climb (knees bent)
- Hurdle dip knee-up
- Travel push-up, single leg hop
- Lateral walk over
- Fast hurdle dips
- Travel push-up
- Lateral bar jump over
Pulling & Back Exercises
- Single bar horizonal pull-up
- Pointer dog, opposite side & hold
- Single bar alternating pull-up
- Vertical pull-up
- Single bar horizonal chin-ups
- Pointer dog, same side & hold
- Parallel bars, alternating pull-up
- Pointer dog, opposite side, elbow & knee tuck
- Single bar same side pull-up
- Inside knee to elbow tuck
- Parallel bars, horizontal pull-up
- Vertical chin-up
There is also a balance beam used for stagger step, balance walk and shuffle step exercises and three step-up disks of different heights. The reserve has unshaded seats and water tap.
15A Holmewood Avenue, Deer Park 3023 Map