Holmesglen Bouldering Wall (Chadstone)

A bouldering wall which is free to use and set in an area with seats and attractive art murals.
The walls have slight slopes but there are no major overhangs. There are a variety of levels of Traverse climbs (advanced, intermediate and beginner) and Up Climbs (advanced, intermediate and beginner).
Some background on bouldering.
What is bouldering? - Bouldering is a form of rock climbing where the climber stays close to the ground. It usually involves climbing across or up a short distance. The level of difficulty can range from easy to very demanding. A grading system is used to give climbers an indication of how hard each route is, with the higher the number, the harder the route. Bouldering is a fun and social sport and a great way to increase fitness and build strength.
How to boulder - Follow a particular coloured route across or up the wall. If one colour alone is too difficult then try combining two or more colours at a time.
Use a spotter - Have a friend or relative 'spot' you while you climb. Spotting is not catching; the spotter helps by guiding the climber to a safe, controlled landing, feet down, head up. A spotter should stand in the fall zone area behind the climber and focus on the climber's centre of gravity using their arms out-stretched, close but not touching the climber. The spotter should be ready at all times to help the climber if they come off the wall unexpectedly.
617 Warrigal Road, Chadstone 3148 Map