Turner Road Reserve Playground, Turner Road, Highett

This playground has had a major upgrade. It now boasts a significant size wooden castle with walls composed of slats of wood with gaps between the slats - a bit like peeking into a castle through open curtains!
The castle has a big slide with bumps rather than waves, small but steep wave slide, ladder, two fireman's poles and a large inclined climbing wall with nice big handholds. There is also access to the top of castle via steps but no ramp access. A soft but firm path leads across the woodchips to the steps.
There are a few super elements to the playground. There is a great see-saw like a huge inverted V with seats at the ends of the V. This moves in all directions - up, down, around and at an angle. There is huge opportunity for some great (but scary) fun on this.
There is also a birds nest swing. Plenty of areas for balancers with a line of wooden stumps to traverse and a rock wall. Three swings including one with harness. Separate small monkey bars. Under a huge shady tree are colourful toadstools, see-saw and wooden carvings including a python and green frog.
Some of the playground receives shade from trees. Shaded tables and seat plus a shelter with BBQs and tables, toilets and water taps. Basketball half court. Next to huge expanse of ovals.
33 Turner Road, Highett 3190 Map