Highbury Park Playground, Gareth Drive, Burwood East

A huge two level play structure with various bridges between the towers, wave slide, dual wave slides, ladders, monkey rungs, twisting tunnel slide, scrambling wall, climbing wall, clanger to hit against poles, historical "Post your Letter" panel (before email), Rainmaker panel (Melbourne doesn't need this!), shop front, "Line Up 4" panel, clock panel and distorting mirror.

Also a hammock, spinning carousel, two standard swings, birds nest swing, see-saw, truck springer and medium sized cone shaped climbing frame.
Two unshaded tables, seats and a huge grassy area surrounded by a bushland area.
The playground was designed in consultation with the community and the play space creates opportunities for inclusive play with a hammock swing, a wheelchair-accessible swinger and gyro swing.
The previous play space equipment was dismantled and donated to the Rotary Overseas Recycled Playgrounds program to be reinstalled for use in disadvantaged communities overseas.
9 Gareth Drive, Burwood East 3151 Map