Hepburn Springs - Five Gullies Walk

A 9km, 2.5-3 hour, medium-hard walk which traverses five gullies in the Hepburn Springs area.

From the Daylesford Visitor Information Centre, drive towards Hepburn Springs along Vincent Street and Hepburn Road for about 5km to the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve. Drive to the main carpark at the rear of the Reserve.
Facing away from the Reserve entrance, take track on your right marked as "Wyuna Spring". Proceed to Wyuna, (1) cross the bridge marked "Argyle Spring" and follow this track for 1.2km. The track is narrow in some sections and close to the cliff edge. There are several bridges which can be slip-pery when wet and many trip hazards and stairs to climb.
The track meanders through the Argyle Gully following the Argyle Creek. It will take you about 40 minutes to reach Argyle Spring. (2)
Carefully cross the creek and follow a 4WD track around to the right and uphill. This track climbs steadily to the Argyle Gully and Wild Cat Gully divide. After walking about 1km you will reach a "T" intersection with a blue marker. Turn right here and follow this 4WD track for about 15 minutes to an intersection. Take the left track and continue on this track, ignoring minor tracks on the right and left, until you reach Back Hepburn Road.
Cross over into Mannings Road and continue on this gravel road for about 10 minutes until you see a yellow GDT sign on your right. Walk a further 30m, and look to your right for excellent views of Mt. Franklin.
Continue for a further 100m to the next yellow GDT sign. Turn left at this point and follow the GDT signs, crossing over Widows Gully and Womans Gully until you reach an intersection. Turn right and proceed in the direction of Golden Spring.
The track eventually comes to a small "T" intersection. Veer right and you will see a sign indicating Gold-en Spring 500m. Continue on this track then veer right and walk about 30m to a Golden Spring sign. (3) Walk down to the spring, check out the water and return up the fairly steep hill. Walk down Golden Spring Avenue to Lone Pine Avenue.
Turn left into this bitumen road which be-comes gravel the further you walk. Keep on this track, ignoring the first track on your left. Take the next track on your left just as the main track goes off to the right. Continue walking until you come to a "Y" intersection. Turn right and at the crest of the hill turn left and continue on a short distance until you se a large yellow Goldfields Track sign.
Carefully cross the road. Jackson's Lookout is on your right. (4) Designed in the 1940's, and restored in 2017, the tower provides excellent views of Hepburn Regional Park.
Follow the GDT signs on the track leading back to the Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve by way of the Locarno Gully.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs must be kept on a leash.
Mineral Springs Reserve Road, Hepburn Springs 3461 Map