Hazel Glen Scout Group (Doreen)

Hazel Glen Scout Group has a Joey scout mob (age range: 5-7), Cub scout pack (age range: 8-10), Scout troop (age range: 11-14) and Venturer unit (age range: 15-17).

Hazel Glen Scout Group provide a fun and interesting program for our youth members. We have a strong family focus and emphasis on community involvement.

We aim to be visible in the local community working alongside other community groups and schools. Scouting offers the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities including traditional and modern scouting skills such as camping, bushcraft, canoeing, hiking, parts communication and many more.

The group also attends major events on the scouting calendar such as Anzac services, Big Day Scout, Jamboree and State camps.

Scouting caters for a wide cross section of ability levels with a strong focus on self improvement, confidence, leadership and teamwork.


175 Cookes Road,  Doreen 3754 Map

0410 510 517

Email Enquiry

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Hazel Glen Scout Group on Facebook

Hazel Glen Scout Group (Doreen)175 Cookes Road,, Doreen, Victoria, 3754