Hawthorn Rowing Club

Hawthorn Rowing Club is located on the banks of the Yarra and it caters for all ages and levels of rowing.
The club is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to stimulate, advocate and develop the sport of rowing. Established in 1877, Hawthorn Rowing Club was one of Melbourne's founding clubs for the sport.
The promotion and development of rowing has allowed the Club to nurture the mental and physical health and well-being of its members. Rowing and Hawthorn Rowing Club both help to develop strong leadership skills through the support of dedicated training and a positive, supportive community.
We at Hawthorn, pride ourselves on not only being a traditional rowing community, but also sharing and developing skills in new rowers and members. All are welcome, club memberships range from 13-83, encompassing all levels of experience. What is common is the friendship and dedication built around a passion for rowing.
Hawthorn Rowing Club hosts the annual Head of the Yarra regatta - a 8.6km time trial event racing up the Yarra River from the City to the Hawthorn Rowing Club. With around 200 eights competing each year, the Head of the Yarra is the largest rowing event for eights in the Southern Hemisphere.
Hawthorn Rowing Club welcomes newcomers to our volunteer-based community sporting club. We want all members to fully enjoy the facilities and contribute to the activities of the Club.
Membership of the Hawthorn Rowing Club allows access to boats appropriate to your rowing level, the opportunity to meet and row with other members, use of the gym equipment and other facilities, and of course the ability to race competitively for the Club.
Membership Details & Costs
Competitive Rowing Program
The aim of Hawthorn Rowing Club's competitive rowing program is for the club to be an active and successful participant in Rowing Victoria competition. State / National championship representation, in both Club & Masters, is the end goal of this rowing program. On a club level the end goal is finishing in the top ten in state club premierships.
Social Rowing
There is a significant amount of social rowing at Hawthorn, especially among the older members, who often prefer to have an unpressured row once or twice a week, and perhaps a drink afterwards. There are several "drop-in" times when rowers will gather and make up crews for a row. If you wish to try out some social rowing at Hawthorn, simply turn up and introduce yourself. However before you can row you first need to pay $20 for registration with Rowing Victoria. This is for cover under our insurance policy.
Learn To Row
Hawthorn Rowing Club's Learn to Row program aims to introduce the 200-year old sport of rowing to a wide range of adult community members. Have you been curious to give rowing a try? Did you row for a short time during school and are eager to regain fitness? Envious of watching others glide along the Yarra and ready to do something about it? If you would like to be added to the interested participant list please email secretary@hawthornrowingclub.com
2A Burwood Road, Hawthorn 3122 Map
✆ (03) 9818 7154
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ hawthornrowingclub.com
→ Hawthorn Rowing Club on Facebook