Hawkesdale Swimming Pool

Hawkesdale Swimming Pool

Hawkesdale Swimming Pool is an outdoor pool which is open during the summer season. It is located in a lush green environment with a solar heated pool offering good shade with canteen facilities.

Opening Hours:

Season and Daily Opening Times


Admission Costs


A 30m long T-shaped main pool which varies in depth from 0.85m to 3.0m. One side of the end of the T is covered by a shade sail and is shallower (0.6 - 0.7m deep).

There is a fenced off area with safety gate which has a square toddler pool under a shade sail.

Wooden shade shelters on both sides of the main pool with one table under each one. There are some grassy areas.



2 Spring Street,  Hawkesdale 3287 Map

(03) 5560 7311

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Hawkesdale Swimming Pool

Hawkesdale Swimming Pool2 Spring Street,, Hawkesdale, Victoria, 3287