Harry Pottage Reserve (Macleod)

Harry Pottage Reserve is a 4.2 hectare reserve with 1.7 hectares of grassland. There is a path running through the middle and, the open space area has a playground and a rotunda.
The natural grassland area to the south of the reserve is connected to the Cherry Street Reserve, a 13.21 hectare grassland reserve.
Activities in the park include a playground, walking/bike trails and wildlife observation.
This reserve is named after Harry Pottage, a councillor in the 1960s and 1980s, who prevented the site becoming a housing development.
Flora and Fauna
The grassland has 2 vegetation communities; plains grassy woodland, exposed plain slope, river red gum and plains grassy woodland, terrace/valley, river red gum.
Access for Dogs
Dogs must be under the effective control with a chain, cord or leash.
On the western side of the reserve is an area of bushland and there is an open grassy strip in the middle with a wide gravel path running down the middle with seats on the side. This area can get quite muddy after rain. The eastern side is dotted with trees and has a playground, basketball half court, shelter with seats, unshaded table, rotunda, seats, water tap and a fun metal slide to the side of the playground area.
In the bushland area there are lots of dirt tracks running through the area which is nice to explore, although the area is not huge. You need to keep to the tracks since most of the bushland area is fenced off. Fences here protect bushland from accidental damage. Several species of wildflower, some of them very rare, grow among the native grasses.
An interesting element is the remains of the former Mont Park Railway line in this area. Between 1911 and June 1964, a weekly train carried supplies from Melbourne to the Mont Park Hospital on a branch line from Macleod Station.
There are neighbouring reserves, such as the Cherry Street Grassland Reserve, which border this area which are connected by paths from here.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs are permitted off-leash within Banyule but dogs must be on-leash within the bushland area.
150 Wungan Street, Macleod 3085 Map
Web Links
→ www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Events-activities/Parks-reserves/Harry-Pottage-Reserve