Harmony Park Playground, Keats Street, Officer

A delightful playground with a nature theme throughout. There is a lovely adventure climbing area with tree stumps interconnected with bridges, traverses and ladders. If you reach the high cubby, a walk across a high, thin rope bridge leads to a metal slide.
Beside this area is a beautiful gum leaf cubby, logs with fungi and creatures on the outside, eggs and three fun pads on springs.

Further across is a wavy metal slide on long legs and a rope net to reach the slide which is in the shape of a bird. Next to this is a wonderful stork which you can reach by a rope net. Don't step on the colourful caterpillar next to the stork.

There are three swings - a standard swing, birds nest swing and harness swing. Higher up the slope is a sandpit with digger, spinning carousel (to stand on or sit on), balance trails with stumps, logs and coloured pencils.
There is an area with three unshaded tables and water tap plus grassy lawns on both sides of the playground.
32 Keats Street, Officer 3809 Map