Hampton RSL Bowling Club

Your community gathering place for the most enjoyable lawn bowls experience imaginable.
We have synthetic greens open year-round, permitting our members and their guests, and members of our community to enjoy both casual and competitive bowling in all seasons.
Whether you are a serious bowler looking for a strong competitive club, or a casual bowler wanting to learn the game or spruce up your skills, we have a range of activities to suit all needs. Our major activities are:
- Metropolitan Pennant (Weekend and Midweek)
- Night Pennant (SDELBA)
- Barefoot Bowling - a major competition during the summer months
- Winter social bowls on Tuesday and Saturday
- Casual Barefoot bowling
- Casual Bowling
25 Holyrood Street, Hampton 3188 Map
✆ (03) 9598 0460 / 0407 342 234
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ hamptonrsl.bowls.com.au
→ Hampton RSL Bowling Club on Facebook