Hampton East Brighton Soccer Club

In 2020 Hampton Junior Soccer Club and East Brighton (seniors) merged to form the Hampton East Brighton Football Club. It's a club for all ages, genders and abilities. Bringing together the successful Juniors only club and the successful seniors only club to form a combined and more powerful club meant the vision of being to offer a total football pathway form 6 years old to 60 years old for all players regardless of age, ability, whether male or female, was achieved.
Hampton East Brighton Soccer Club is a community based club, run purely by the efforts of volunteering parents to offer sporting opportunities for everyone in the Hampton and surrounding areas.
The club uses grounds at Cheltenham Park in Cheltenham, Dendy Park in East Brighton and W.L. Simpson Reserve in Hampton.
81 Fewster Road, Hampton 3188 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.hamptonsoccer.com.au
→ Hampton East Brighton FC -Seniors on Facebook