Hamilton - Henty Wine Region Wineries

No regional gourmet experience is complete without a glass of 'something local', and the wider region surrounding Hamilton has become renowned for its diverse cool climate wine styles that demonstrate exceptional quality and value. The Henty Wine Region stretches from Hamilton to Portland on the coast and was named after the pioneer Edward Henty. Edward settled in the district after travelling from Launceston on board the Thistle in 1834. One cask of grape vine cuttings was recorded on the ship's log, and it is the first record of vines arriving in Victoria.
The Henty wine region has one of the coolest climates of Australia's mainland wine growing regions and covers Victoria's southwest. The region is known for its aromatic white wines, luscious sweet dessert wines and intense, finely structured reds. The most widely planted wine grape varieties are Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Also found are Semillon, Shiraz, Pinot Meunier and Pinot Gris.
Wineries in the region include:
1099 Glenelg Highway, Bochara
(03) 5571 9309
Crawford River
741 Upper Hotspur Road, Condah
(03) 5578 2267
Enigma Variations
6396 Glenelg Highway, Dunkeld
0499 364 462
Henty Estate
657 Hensley Park Road, Hamilton
(03) 5572 4446
Herrmann Wines
595 Yatchaw Road, Tarrington
(03) 5573 5255
7389 Hamilton Highway, Tarrington
(03) 5573 5200
Mt Napier
452 Picnic Road, Tarrington
(03) 5571 9850
Pierrepoint Wines
271 PierrepointRoad, Tarrington
(03) 5572 5553
Tarrington Vineyards
7787 Hamilton Highway, Tarrington
(03) 5572 4509
Web Links
→ Victorias Best kept Secret: Henty Wine Region