Habitat Filter (Southbank)

Habitat Filter is a sculptural work which is the result of a $20,000 public design competition launched by Transurban, the operator of CityLink, to enhance the island around the loop of the freeway off-ramp near the junction of Power Street and Sturt Street.
The winning designers Matt Drysdale, Matt Myers and Tim Dow, describe it as a "working sculpture within a landscape". It provides an integrated approach of artwork paired with habitat. Constructed in 2016, it features eight structures protruding from the ground which were made mainly from recycled materials.
Some of the pods have solar panels to illuminate the structures at night and nesting boxes for native birds and bats. Steel mesh has been incorporated into the forms so that the vegetation can "take over" and the site has been heavily planted.
Habitat Filter is surrounded by a fence and there is no public access to the site.
Cnr Sturt Street and Power Street, Southbank 3006 Map