Greenvale Drive Reserve Outdoor Gym (Greenvale)

There are three sets of gym equipment in the reserve.
On the south side near the playground is:
Station #1: Aerobic cycle and elliptical trainer
Station #2: Leg Raises / Pull-ups and Leg Press
Station #3: Shoulder mobility wheel and pull-downs
Station #4: Dexterity builder and body twist
On the west side is:
Station #1: Multi-bench
Station #2: Pull-ups
Station #3: Body dips
On the east side is:
Station #1: Body dips
Station #2: Sit-ups
Station #3: Step-ups
There is a playground, basketball court, free public tennis court, field with soccer goals at each end and a water tap in the reserve.
125 Greenvale Drive, Greenvale 3059 Map