Gooram - Gooram Falls

The Gooram Falls is a beautiful place to visit for a swim and picnic during summer or to rug up in winter and enjoy the views of the rock pools and the water cascading over the rocks.
The Gooram Falls are west of the Strathbogie Tableland on the Euroa-Mansfield Road. Two-wheel drive access to the carpark is fine all year round.

If travelling from Strathbogie follow the road to Polly McQuinns down to the Euroa-Mansfield Road. Turn left to Merton and look for the two signposted entrances to the Falls on your left.
From Euroa, take the Euroa-Mansfield Road towards Mansfield, at approximately 19km there will be a track on the left signposted Gooram Falls picnic area, turn left here.

There are two picnic areas, the one at the top and one approximately 800m downstream. Picnic tables, fireplaces and toilets are available at the Gooram Falls Day Visitor Area.
Finding your way around this area and to the falls can be a bit tricky. The best place to park your car is the Gooram Falls Day Visitor Area. There are two signposted entrances and this is the southern one (also called the upper car park). This area has a car parking area, picnic table and fire pits. Camping, fishing and dogs are not permitted here and all fires must be in the designated fire pits.
From here there is clear signage to a track which goes to the falls after 400m and to the northern (lower) car park after 800m. There are drop toilets at the lower car park but you shouldn't need to go there. The path between the car parks is narrow and overgrown. In summer you will need to watch out for snakes.
Beside the track initially, near the upper car park, is an area where a tumble of boulders fill the creek and water diverts in multiple streams around the boulders. You can boulder hop along the creek if you like or play in the water.
We found the best way to get to the falls was to follow the track until you see a yellow "cliff edge" sign on the right. With care, you can scramble down the sloping rock faces and get below the Upper Falls and above the Lower Falls.
If you decide to continue along the track, after crossing a wooden bridge, a little track branches off to the right and you come to an area where the water floods an area below the Lower Falls. These falls are smaller in height but wider and fill a wide bend in the creek which is popular for swimming.

Points on map:
1. A granite bed of pools and cascades begins here above the falls
2. Upper car park entry - 1981 Euroa-Mansfield Road, Gooram
3. BBQ Fireplaces - There are two BBQ firepits to the left of the upper car park entry and two to the right next to the single picnic table.
4. Lower car park entry
5. Public Toilets (drop toilets)
6. Gooram Falls
Access for Dogs:
Dogs are not permitted.
1981 Euroa-Mansfield Road, Gooram 3666 Map
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