Golden Gate Drive Playground, Clyde North

Houston we have a problem. A rocket has crashed into Clyde North but there is a silver lining though because the rocket makes a great play area for kids. You can reach the tunnel slide on the rocket by either going up steps or crossing an elevated rope walkway and then climbing up a rope tunnel ladder. Escape routes from the rocket are a fireman's pole and small slide.

Near the rocket impact zone are three in-ground trampolines, elevated area with rock steps and dual wave slides on the side and a sandpit under shade sails with two diggers.
Further way from the impact zone is a cubby, birds nest swing, spinning disk, log and stump stepper area, see-saw and four swings (two with harness seats). The playground has soft material on the ground around all the playground equipment.

Shelter with two tables, unshaded table, water tap, outdoor gym and grassy area.
Cnr Golden Gate Drive and Exmoor Crescent Clyde North 3978 Map