Gladeswood Reserve Playground, Grantham Terrace, Mulgrave

Gladeswood Reserve Playground, Grantham Terrace, Mulgrave

Very colourful multi-level structure in the shape of a boat - a big boat - like the QE2. The main structure has many levels connected by tunnels, chain bridges, steps and walkways. Also monkey bars, nice spiral slide, curved slide, various ladders, tic-tac-toe, coloured balls, shop front, flying fox and fireman's pole. Also four swings, three springers and a see-saw. Seats next to playground are unshaded but there are some shaded tables a little down the hill.

Gladeswood Reserve is home to the Wheelers Hill Baseball Club and Gladeswood Reserve Tennis Club, featuring four courts. There is also a cricket pitch. The reserve has a baseball practice area and walking track.

There is also an off leash dog area.



46 Grantham Terrace,  Mulgrave 3170 Map

Web Links

Wheelers Hill Baseball Club

Gladeswood Reserve Tennis Club

Gladeswood Reserve Playground, Grantham Terrace, Mulgrave46 Grantham Terrace,, Mulgrave, Victoria, 3170