Gilpin Park Playground, Albert Street, Brunswick

Gilpin Park Playground, Albert Street, Brunswick

The playground is in the north east corner of the park. The main feature is a huge atom-shaped rope climbing frame with hanging nests, ladders, rope net ladder and slide. A scary horizontal rope net leads across to an elevated cubby with a fireman's pole. The cubby can also be reached by a rope ladder.

There is also a ladybird springer, flower which makes a sound when you spin it around, stand-on spinner, see-saw, big birds nest swing, two standard swings, logs and stump steppers and water pump which has a winding concrete channel down to a drain.

There is a shelter with two tables, BBQs, two table tennis tables, table with chess board, water tap and unshaded tables. Toilets are 100m away to the west.



344 Albert Street,  Brunswick 3056 Map

Gilpin Park Playground, Albert Street, Brunswick344 Albert Street,, Brunswick, Victoria, 3056