Gardenworld Dinosaurs (Braeside)

Out the front of Gardenworld are four large dinosaurs, two are on the grass out the front beside Springvale Road and two others beside the car park nearer the Garden Centre. Be careful with children because they are all located near a busy carpark.
The best part of Gardenworld is the section called Collectors Corner and it is amazing. There is an wonderful bonsai and cacti display plus succulents, bromeliads, carnivorous plants, orchids and little plants that have no roots called tillandsias. In addition there are spectacular gemstones, meteorites and fossils. Dinosaurs are woven into the displays.
Keep an eye out for some truly exotic plants which are on display but not for sale. My favourites were the monkey tail cactus and black bat plant.
This is a fantastic experience for any kid (and parent for that matter).
There is also the Gardenworld cafe which serves meals and coffee.
Opening Hours:
Opening Times and Contact Numbers
810 Springvale Road, Braeside 3195 Map
✆ (03) 9798 8095
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