French Island National Park

Although close to Melbourne, French Island National Park is a mystery to many people due to its isolated location in Western Port. As a result, the park features some fantastically underrated opportunities for walking and cycling among a diverse landscape of mangroves, saltmarsh, heaths and open woodlands.
Things to See and Do
French Island National Park has much to offer including unspoiled natural bushland and walking along beaches where your only companions are hundreds of wading birds.
Experience wonderful walks and bike rides through a range of habitats. There are day, half day and shorter walks and rides starting at Tankerton Foreshore Reserve.
Camping is available at Fairhaven Campsite located 5km from the Tankerton Jetty on the west coast foreshore. Fairhaven Campsite offers 20 individual sites for up to 2 people per site, with the opportunity to stay in an idyllic natural setting.
Only basic toilet facilities and water supplies (purify or boil first) are provided and due to the highly combustible vegetation of the island, no open fires are permitted at any time. A portable gas stove, or similar, is essential. The General Store is approximately 7.5km away.
Campsites are free but must be booked online.
Walking tracks range from whole day and half day to shorter options and start from the Tankerton Foreshore Reserve. It is advisable to wear long pants or gaiters and sturdy walking boots.

General Store - 3km, 1 hour one way
Walk east from Tankerton Jetty through the small island township, past the French Island community hall and CFA station to the General Store. Keep an eye out for a koala or local birdlife including Purple Moorhen, Swamp Harriers or Cape Barren Geese.
Old Coast Road Track - 5km, 1.5 hours one way
Take this track to Fairhaven Campsite. Starting at Tankerton Jetty, head north on this unsealed gently undulating sandy track. Two lookouts provide views across saltmarsh and Western Port to Hastings.
Walk through heathland and messmate heathy woodland. Enjoy wildflowers in spring and look for the White-bellied Sea Eagle.
West Coast Wetlands Walking Track - 9.6km, 3.2 hours return
Starting at Fairhaven Campsite, head east along Pinnacles Track. Points of interest include The Pinnacles Lookout, wildflowers including orchids, birdlife and seasonal Deuchers, Heifer, Little Heifer, Pobblebonk and Punt Swamps.
The topography is mainly flat and gently undulating and at 60m above sea level, the Pinnacles offers expansive views of Phillip Island, Western Port and the west coast wetlands of the park.
Fairhaven Northern Beach Walk - 4km, 2 hours return
View shorebirds and migratory waders, saltmarsh and Fairhaven Beach along this walk which starts at Fairhaven Campsite.
Shorebirds nest during spring and summer and roost at high tide throughout the year. Only walk Fairhaven Beach at low tide to ensure disturbance of birds is minimised and avoid trampling on eggs
Due to the often sandy and wet conditions encountered, It is highly advisable that you use a mountain bike. A repair kit is also essential.
West Coast Wetlands Ride - 9.6km, 2 hours return
Starting at Fairhaven Campsite, head east along Pinnacles Track. Points of interest include The Pinnacles Lookout, wildflowers including orchids, birdlife and seasonal Deuchers, Heifer, Little Heifer, Pobblebonk and Punt Swamps. The topography is mainly flat and gently undulating and at 60m above sea level, the Pinnacles offers the visitor expansive views of Phillip Island, Western Port and the west coast wetlands of the park.
Redbill Manna Gum Woodland Ride - 8km, 2.5 hours one way
Starting at Fairhaven Campsite, ride north on Coast Road and turn left at the intersection. View koalas, saltmarsh, Redbill Creek and shorebirds.
Redbill Road, Clump Lagoon - 21km, 4 hours return
From Tankerton Jetty, ride north on Old Coast Road Track and turn right at Redbill Road. Follow the circuit turning right at Clump Road, Tankerton Road and Old Coast Road Track.
Points of interest along the ride include Pinnacles Lookout, Clump Lagoon, seasonal waterbirds and orchids.
Link Road, Mount Wellington - 27km, 5.5 hours return
From Tankerton Jetty, ride north on Old Coast Road Track and turn right at Redbill Road. Follow the circuit turning right at Clump Road, left at Link Road, right at Mt Wellington Road, right at Tankerton Road and right at Old Coast Road Track.
Points of interest include wildflowers including orchids (along Link Road), birds of prey and King Quail habitat.
Bluegums - 10km, 1.8 hours one way
From Tankerton Jetty, Bluegums can be accessed via Tankerton Road, Mount Wellington Road and Saltmine Point Road.
Bluegums is located in the south-east corner of French Island and offers expansive views to the south and east, with native grasslands surrounded by forest. Please allow a full day when visiting.
Gartsides - 24km, 4.5 hours one way
From Tankerton Jetty, Gartsides can be accessed via Tankerton Road, Mt Wellington Road, Mcleod Road and Causeway Road. Gartsides features an old farming site and an old salt works from circa 1890s. Please allow a full day when visiting.
Wildlife viewing
The vegetation at French Island National Park is rich and diverse, containing over 580 indigenous plant species, including more than 100 native orchid species, several of which are endemic to French Island.
The parks wetlands are extensive and diverse, ranging from seasonal to permanent open water and providing habitat for an array of flora and fauna.'
The island supports a large population of Long-nosed Potaroo, as well as containing the most significant population of koalas in Victoria.
Koalas were introduced to French Island in the 1880s and by the 1920s overbrowsing was occurring and in 1923 the first koala transfers off the island took place. The population is free of the disease Chlamydia and was a major source of koalas for recolonising areas of the mainland. A sustainable koala population is now being managed using fertility control.

Getting there
French Island National Park is accessible by ferry from Stony Point and Cowes. Stony Point is located 80km south-east from Melbourne CBD. Take the Western Port Ferries passenger ferry from Stony Point across to French Island. The trip takes 10 to 12 minutes and delivers you to Tankerton Jetty on French Island.
Tickets are available for purchase on the ferry or online. Check Western Port Ferries or phone 03 5257 4565 for the ferry timetable and weather conditions. Ferry services can be cancelled at very short notice.
The only roads in the park open to vehicles are Link Road, Clump Road and Causeway Road (south of the junction with Link Road). Seasonal road closures apply.
Note: Photos from Parks Victoria
Tankerton Road, French Island 3921 Map
Web Links
→ French Island National Park (Parks Victoria)
→ French Island National Park - Visitor Guide (PDF)
→ French Island National Park - Heritage Story (PDF)
→ French Island National Park - Park Note (PDF)