Formosa Chinese School (Doncaster East)

Formosa Chinese School is a non-profit organisation and a DET (Victorian Department of Education and Training) accredited Community Languages School powered by a group of passionate volunteering parents. Our program starts at the age of two, progressing through to the age of fifteen. Our aim is to help children start learning Chinese language early in their lives through fun, highly interactive and engaging play settings.
Classes are available from three and a half years and onwards.
There are classes for Chinese speaking students and non-Chinese speaking students.
How is How is FCKC different from other Chinese school? - We teach both Traditional and Simplified Chinese, with greater focus on Traditional. From our years of teaching experience, we learned and continuous improve our teaching quality by limit our class in small group (10 to 12 students), applying interactive and activity base teaching. And the feedbacks we have are that students can have greater understanding of Chinese language and the origin of the Chinese culture. different from other Chinese school?
Opening Hours:
What time does school start? - Every Saturday from 9:30 to 12:30 during school times. (excluding school term breaks)
96 Landscape Drive, Doncaster East 3109 Map
Email Enquiry
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