Forest Hill Baseball Club (Vermont South)

Forest Hill Baseball Club (Vermont South)

Forest Hill Baseball club is an amateur Baseball club that fields both senior and junior players (above 9 years old), located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.

The Club caters for men, ladies, boys and girls in all age groups above 9 year old.

The Club was founded over twenty-five years ago as a club where players could come to learn, improve and play the game of baseball in a family friendly environment. The club recognizes that people come to baseball for a variety of reasons. From the challenge of elite level competition, to general fitness, to the social aspects of team sports.

We strive to combine high level coaching, premium infrastructure and culture so that no matter a person's reason for taking up baseball or their skill level they feel at home at Forest Hill.

Forest Hill Baseball Club is based at Billabong Park in Vermont South where there are two baseball fields.



21 Weeden Drive,  Vermont South 3133 Map

0417 506 759

Email Enquiry

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Forest Hill Baseball Club on Facebook

Forest Hill Baseball Club (Vermont South)21 Weeden Drive,, Vermont South, Victoria, 3133