Firestorm Martial Arts (Bayswater)

Firestorm Martial Arts is part of Zen Do Kai, a 'freestyle' martial art developed in the early 70's by Soke Bob Jones. For over forty years Zen Do Kai has provided practical, efficient and effective martial arts programs for self-defence, sport and recreation for people of all ages.
Zen Do Kai's origins are traditional, however it adopts and develops the most up-to-date training and technical knowledge from around the world. The philosophy associated with freely absorbing the best of other fighting systems and refinement of techniques has matured Zen Do Kai into a most comprehensive and practical self-defence system.
Zen Do Kai classes include training in relaxation, stretching, balance, coordination, fitness, speed, power, martial arts, non contact sporting concepts, kata (forms), anti rape and street survival strategies.
Despite our growth, we have maintained the same spirit and enthusiasm that started our training all those years ago, and our club maintains the positive family culture we prize so much.
Firestorm Martial Arts offers:
Little Dragons - Firestorm Little Dragons is a self-development and fitness program incorporating the martial arts for children 3-5 years.
Kidz Karate Classes - Firestorm's Kidz Karate program offers everything kids need for a solid introduction to the martial arts. The program is designed essentially for Primary School aged children between the ages of 5-12 years.
Adult Classes - Firestorm Adult classes incorporate aspects and components from many martial arts disciplines and forges them together to form a modern system of self-defence. Fitness and confidence are improved and fortified.
21 Power Road, Bayswater 3153 Map
✆ 0419 327 672
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