Fawkner Food Bowls Urban Farm (Fawkner)

A community food growing hub addressing food security, social cohesion and community resilience in Fawkner.
The Fawkner Food Bowls Urban Farm provides space for the community to come together to grow food, exchange skills and knowledge, learn about our food systems and allow opportunity for meaningful connection both for community and our many collaborators.
Fawkner Food Bowls Urban Farm uses a market garden layout to grow seasonal produce for the local community.
We use sustainable and regenerative practices such as generating our own composts, using locally acquired materials for mulching, and encouraging healthy populations of beneficial invertebrates and microorganisms to create healthy soil and a healthy garden.
We are continuously working to develop an enjoyable growing and educational space for our crops, wildlife, and community.
Cnr Lorne Street and Creedon Street, Fawkner 3060 Map
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.fawknerfoodbowls.com
→ Fawkner Food Bowls on Facebook