Essendon Croquet Club

The club facilities include two excellent full sized "Santa Ana" grass courts and a practice court with flood lights available for night play on both courts until 10.30pm.
The Clubrooms include a modern kitchen, sunroom and general purpose dining room.
Potential new members are welcome to visit the club during a social Golf Croquet session and have a no-obligation game on the courts. Casual clothes are the norm on social days and flat heeled shoes are necessary to protect our courts. All other necessary playing equipment is provided.
Competition and Social Association Croquet and Golf Croquet are played regularly and Gateball monthly with scheduled court reservations for each type of play. Unallocated court time is available for practice, coaching and individual reservations for play by members. Visiting players are welcome 3 times per annum.
35 Brewster Street, Essendon 3040 Map
✆ 0491 703 744
Email Enquiry
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→ Essendon Croquet Club on Facebook