Eminence Street Playground, Mount Duneed

A brilliant playground for nature play for younger kids. The playground is bursting with nature elements. At one end under shade sails is a big jumble of logs to climb on, disk on springs and spinning disk with log tepee on top.
There are two areas for building cubbies (sticks and logs provided), crafting area, bush tucker area, two swings, mound like a huge bird's nest with slide and a tree to climb. Three unshaded tables, water tap and grassy areas.

This is the sign next to the Building area. We started building a cubby here but it's not finished yet! Maybe you can help...
Around this sign there are lots of trees and some branches might have fallen off. Pick some fallen branches up and bring them back to this sign, get a friend to help if there are big ones but don't pull branches off the trees, they still need them!
Be careful of any pointy ends and keep an eye out for other people around you so you don't accidentally hurt someone.
Lean the branches against the frame, try to get some on top too.
We need to keep the weather out too so go back to the forest and gather leaves, twigs and bark and bring them back here.
If you have found some long bits of bark then good job! Weave them between the branches or put them over the top to keep out the rain and make lots of shade. If you can't reach then ask a taller friend to help.
Lastly grab the leaves and twigs and throw them over the top, it doesn't matter if you make a mess!
We're all finished! Crawl inside and see how you have done, big people might not fit so best keep it for you and your friends. When you are all finished then put everything back so someone else can build a cubby tomorrow.
This is the sign next to the Crafting area. In the forest behind this sign there are lots of natural things to find, you might have found some already! It's fun to make games with the things you find so there is a table here for you to use. Here are some activities you could try:
Leaves - Find as many leaves as you can and make a pattern on the table. Pick up the most colourful leaves you can find and put the matching colours together.
Twigs - Find a twig with a leaf still on and one twig without. Find lots of small twigs and make a nest on the table. Find lots of long twigs and try and make a tower Place them in the holes in the table to help stabilise the tower.
Gumnuts - Pick a friend and see who can find the most gumnuts. See if you can make a circle of gumnuts all the way around the table. Make up a game using all the gumnuts you have found and play with a friend.
If you find any bugs or animals, make sure to leave them alone and don't hurt them. Bugs are our friends but some might hurt you if they get upset.
This is the sign next to the Bushtucker area. The plants behind you have been planted to make a native bush tucker garden. See if you can find the plants shown below. Always make sure you have an adult with you when you are searching.
Bring what you find to the table to have a closer look. Do not eat the things you find. Remember to wash your hands after you finish and don't pick everything so other people can find some too.
Midgen Berry (Austromyrtus dulcis) It has small green pointed leaves It might have tiny white flowers growing. Look out for white speckled berries!
Apple Berry (Billardiera scandens) It has thin, light green leaves The flowers are a pale yellow colour Look for green, purple or yellow fruit. They might be hairy!
Ruby Saltbush (Enchylaena tomentosa) It has small, grey-green succulent leaves The berries change from green to yellow to red. There might be lots of colours at the same time!
Muntries (Kunzea pomifera) It has small leaves and grows close to the ground They have small white blossoms like a gum tree. Look for clusters of small green / purple berries!
Sea Purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) It is low growing and has green succulent leaves Look for the reddish stems! It often grows in salty, coastal areas.
Some plants won't have flowers or fruit all the time so if you can't find anything today then make sure you come back another time and check again.
34 Eminence Street, Mount Duneed 3216 Map