Lakeside Paddleboats (Emerald)

Update: Lakeside Paddleboats will be finishing up on the 9th February, 2025.
Reminisce about days gone by, using your own pedal power on Lake Treganowan (Emerald).
Located next to the Environment Centre on the south east side of the lake, opposite the wading pool, you can hire a Paddle Boat and enjoy the perfect venue that the lake provides.
With plenty of space to tour the lake you can take pleasure in a quiet paddle around the lake or embark upon a challenge between friends.
All Paddle Boats are two seated and an adult must accompany small children. Assistance is provided for hiring, boarding and safety requirements.

Opening Hours:
Opening Times
Hire Costs
Cnr Emerald Lake Road and Elizabeth Court, Emerald 3782 Map
✆ 0412 951 280
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Lakeside Paddleboats on Facebook