Ern Barker Reserve Playground, Saffron Drive, Hallam

A fun playground. The main structure which has multiple levels starts with a climbing cube with climbing walls, spiders web rope climbing frame, hanging disk traverse and rope net roof. A rope bridge leads to monkey bars. From there steps lead up to a small straight slide, wave slide, rope tunnel bridge and a medium-sized tunnel slide. The structure also has rope ladders and a climbing wall on the high section. There are two standard swings, birds nest swing, gear panel, picture match panel, little cubby, abacus, log steppers, percussion pipes, tunnel to climb through, in-ground trampoline, spinning disk, flying fox with disk seat and a super cute see-saw with tiger, elephant, lion and zebra seats. Some unshaded seats.

There's a huge grassy area with AFL/rugby goal posts, basketball court with basketball and netball rings, two unshaded tables, BBQs and BMX track.
22 Saffron Drive, Hallam 3803 Map