Elwood Toy Library

Elwood Toy Library is a not-for-profit community organisation with a voluntary committee of management. It's a place where you can borrow toys, puzzles, games and costumes for up to three weeks at a time.
At last count Elwood Toy Library has more than 2000 toys. We stock firm favourites such as Fisher Price, Little Tikes, Duplo and Playskool, as well as quality handcrafted wooden toys.
Toys are filed by age and category. We have toys for water play and toys for playing house, puppet theatres, board games, jigsaw puzzles and train sets.
We have a comprehensive selection of large toys: trikes, rockers, balance bikes, walkers and cars. If you're thinking about purchasing a big toy, why not borrow one from our library to see if it's right for your child. Our baby toys are especially popular, from activity mats and baby gyms to posting boxes, block sorters and musical toys.
Elwood Toy Library has a fantastic selection of dress-up costumes for all ages including: Bananas in Pajamas, King, Roman, Squaw, Robin Hood, Princess, Little Red Riding Hood, Queen, Cowboy, Dorothy, Nurse, Octopus, Pirate, Knight, Star Trek, Firefighter, Superman, Alice in Wonderland, Pooh Bear and Magician.
We're the only toy library in Australia with two cargo bikes!
Located at the rear of the Elwood/St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre.
Opening Hours:
Session Times
Membership Fees
87 Tennyson Street, Elwood 3184 Map
✆ 0444 564 810
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.elwoodtoylibrary.org
→ Elwood Toy Library on Facebook