Elwood Croquet Club

Situated by the beach on Port Phillip Bay, Elwood Croquet Club is a friendly and informal club. We welcome new members and visitors of all ages from near and far who are interested in learning and playing croquet. We play all versions of the game including Association, Ricochet, Golf and Snake in the Grass. However, our favourite game is Ricochet.
We are a casual and friendly club with regular morning and afternoon games three days a week, plus a monthly club social BBQ day and special extra sessions during the daylight savings period and on public holidays.
33 Head Street, Elwood 3184 Map
✆ 0490 312 810
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.elwoodcroquet.com
→ croquetvic.asn.au/clubpage.php?clubnameclicked=Elwood