Eltham North Fenced Dog Park (Eltham North)
The dog park is located behind the Eltham Men's Shed along Wattletree Road, north of the bridge across Diamond Creek where there is a parking area.
It is a large fenced area which has a separate section with a double gate at the northern end for quiet dogs regardless of size. Active dog behaviour is not allowed in this area. This area has areas of gravel, grass and mulch and it has logs, water tap and a seat.
A gate leads through to the large active dog area which also has two separate double gate entrances. This area has a base of mulch and some grass. There is a water tap, shelter with table and two unshaded seats. At the southern end is a gravel mound with rocks and a log stump on top. There are bins near the gates.
20 Wattletree Road, Eltham North 3095 Map