Elmore Miniature Railway

The Elmore Miniature Railway which has about a kilometre and a half of track and includes some small bridges. This railway is great for the whole family.
A description of the Elmore Miniature Railway is:
- 7 and 1/4 inch (184mm) gauge
- 1.5 km of track
- 1 km mainline
- 4 trestle bridges
- 1 main station
- 1 wayside stop and passing loop
- 1 main engine
- 1 engine and carriage shed
- Located in a bushland setting
Located on the corner of Railway Place and Margaret St, across from the BP Petrol Station.
Opening Hours:
Running 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month as well as selected days during school holidays.
Rides are $5 per person, per ride. Our 10 ride ticket is $40 and is valid for 3 months (May 2021)
A really interesting and long track with plenty to see including four trestle bridges to cross, pond, storage silos as a backdrop and a bushland setting with plenty of bushes close to the track.
Cnr Northern Highway and Midland Highway, Elmore 3558 Map
✆ 0420 526 775
Web Links
→ Elmore Miniature Railway on Facebook