Eldorado - Barrys Falls

Lovely waterfall hidden in the forest near the Historic Gold mining town of Eldorado. There is a small car park at the start of the 300m walk, which is clearly marked as it climbs up to the falls. The last 400m of track to drive in, could be difficult in a standard 2WD so it is best to walk this section if you don't have AWL/4WD.
Situated on a tributary of Reedy creek, Barry Falls is most spectacular during late winter and early spring when there is still plenty of water runoff from the hills.
Getting There
You need to park your vehicle at Neioffs Road (at the eastern point where it intersects with a loop of Warbler Track) and walk along Warbler Track for 450 metres. You will come to a little creek crossing but stay on the track that veers to the left for another 300 metres. Follow the single person path for another 100 metres where you will discover a waterfall which depending on the time of year or rainfall has water trickling or spilling over.
Note: After heavy rain you will need to jump across the creek to continue the walk to the falls.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs are not permitted since the Falls are in a National Park.
Photo Credit: Glenn Bachelor
Warbler Track Eldorado 3746 Map
Web Links
→ Barry Falls Family Walk (Bushwalk Australia)