Eildon - Foggs / Mount Pinniger Lookout

Foggs Lookout, also known as Mount Pinninger Lookout, is a stunning vantage point that resides in Lake Eildon National Park and looks over the Dam Wall and vast clear waters of Lake Eildon. From up here you can see everything that is happening on the water below including boating, fishing, water-skiing and if you're lucky you might spot a house boat or two out for the day.
There are several seats and picnic tables for you to sit back and enjoy a bite to eat whist appreciating the stunning views of the area. Don't forget to bring your camera as there are plenty opportunities for that perfect Instagram shot. Look out for the directional indicator.
There is a tarmac road for most of the way up with a well formed gravel track for the last 1km. There is parking along the side of the road.
Stop on the way down to view where the power lines cross the weir. In 2004 four people lost their lives when their light plane clipped the high voltage power lines that stretch from Mount Pinniger to Mount Enterprise on the eastern side of the lake and crashed into the lake. The cables are rated at 220,000 volts each and represent the longest single span in the Southern Hemisphere.
Note: Don't confuse this spot with the Mt Pinninger Trig Point Lookout 2km to the south on the same road.

1. Travel to Eildon.
2. From Eildon travel across the Pondage Bridge near the Roundabout and the Golden Trout Hotel Motel.
3. Turn left onto Mount Pinniger Road and travel for 1.8 km.
4. Turn right at the Jerusalem Creek Road and travel 2.8 km to the Mount Pinniger Lookout turnoff on the left.
5. Turn left and travel 2.7 km to Foggs Lookout. Part of this road is gravel and care should be taken.
6. Park in the carpark and walk to the top of the viewing area.
Mount Pinniger Road, Eildon 3713 Map
Web Links
→ Foggs Lookout Brochure (PDF)