Edwardes Lake Park Outdoor Gym (Reservoir)

There are four outdoor gym sites at Edwards Lake Reserve which are strategically placed around the lake and next to the playground. The first site is on the north side of the lake and has three stations. One station has a sit-up bench on one side and body pulls and push-ups on the other side, the second station has leg raises and pull-ups on one side and a leg press on the other and the third station has an elliptical trainer, chest press and pull downs.
The second site is at the playground beside a creek / drain which runs into the east side of the lake. There are two stations - one with a sit-up bench on one side and body pulls / push-ups on the other side, and the second station has a body twist on one side and stretch station on the other side. This equipment is located next to a water tap and toilets.
The third site is in the south-east corner of the lake and has three stations; single step up board with bars on the side, three step up boards of different heights and a sit-up bench.
The fourth site is at the south of the lake and has a line of equipment to traverse along. It includes high monkey bars, three horizontal bars, vertical ladder, climbing wall, log roll, zig zag, balance beam and horizontal bars.
All the stations are near the lake and there can be a lot of annoying insects such as midges.
205 Edwardes Street, Reservoir 3073 Map