Edithvale Recreational Reserve Playground, Fraser Avenue, Edithvale

This playground has had a complete replacement. Previously some of it looked old enough to remember the Russian Revolution. Welcome to perestroika and glasnost!
Huge high wooden structure with big dual wave slide, very high fast wave slide, high spiral ladder, tall scrambling/climbing wall, high rope net traverse and two large square nets; one at a high height and one near the ground (don't worry, the gaps on the high one are not large enough for little Johnny to fall through), ramps and steps to access the structure, tic-tac-toe, steering wheel, mirror, panels, clock and fireman's pole.
Also basket swing, rotating cup with hand-wheel and swings. There is an area with wooden frog and colourful toadstools. The frog is missing a leg - a local Frenchman is obviously still partial to frogs legs.
Shelter with BBQs and tables. Unshaded table and seats. Water tap. Next to oval and cycling track. Well protected from road by a fence. In general, best suited to older kids due to the height.
Cnr Fraser Avenue and Hughes Ave, Edithvale 3196 Map