East Sandringham Cricket Club

East Sandringham Cricket Club is a local junior and senior synthetic cricket club which is a member of SECA (South East Cricket Association).
From humble beginnings in 1948 to today being arguably Bayside's most successful cricket and sporting club, East Sandringham Cricket Club can track its success through the many people who have volunteered in order to give to the local community.
In the beginning the club was formed as a local youth group that provided an outlet for the younger generation to play sport and socialise. Our success can be measured in our feats on the cricket field, players we have developed, friendships we have made and the club that we have built.
The club is based at R.G Chisholm Reserve in Sandringham.
Duncan Street, Sandringham 3191 Map
✆ 0410 579 418
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.escc.com.au
→ East Sandringham Cricket Club on Facebook