Dunolly - Ministry of Fun

The Ministry of Fun is a workshop venue, gallery and studio space in Dunolly, central Victoria.
The studio showcases the works of four artists: ceramicist Danielle Boothroyd; feltmaker Tanja Gawin; woodworker and photographer Philip Ashton; and multimedia artist Anna Ashton.
Works range from colourful and whimsical hats, bags and sculptural creatures through to beautifully crafted timber bowls and containers. The Ministry of Fun aims to explore the diverse aspects of creativity and experimentation through artistic expressions of fun!
120 Broadway, Dunolly 3472 Map
✆ 0490 077 902 / 0418 507 347
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ ministryoffundunolly.com.au
→ Ministry of Fun Dunolly on Facebook