Dunkeld Historical Town Walk

1. Dunkeld Museum
2. Woodburn's House
3. Police Station
4. Old School Site
5. Old Tennis Courts (Caravan Park)
6. Market Garden
7. Templeton Tombstone
8. Family Inn stables foundation & Back to Back Toilet
9. Family Inn (Information Centre)
10. Woolpack or Templeton's Inn
11. War Memorial
12. Colonial or National Bank ( Dunkeld Gifts & Homewares)
13. Dunkeld General Store
14. Dunkeld Motors
15. Woodburn's Store & Timber Yard (Dunkeld Pastoral Office)
16. State Bank (Gourmet Pantry)
17. Supermarket
18. Royal Mail Hotel
19. Blacksmith, Bootmaker & Electrical Shop
20. Mountain View Cafe
21. Post Office
22. Dunkeld Mechanics Institute (Memorial Hall)
23. Railway Hotel & Billiard Hall
24. Railway Station
Cnr Wills Street and Templeton Street, Dunkeld 3294 Map