Dragon Park Playground, Hansel Avenue, Officer

Truly spectacular - a huge dragon's head dominates the playground. If you're brave enough, a rope net of fiery breath leads up into the mouth of the dragon. Once inside there's a steep metal slide down the inside of the neck of the roaring beast.

The body of the dragon is a series of huge metal ribs linked by a wooden walkway and rope nets.

The tail of this fire-breathing monster is a large metal climbing frame and a long curved wooden platform leading to a series of little slides.
There are huge metal structures supporting a birds nest swing, three standard swings (although nothing is standard in this playground), cubby and hanging disk seats.

Hop over to frog corner with some loveable frog sculptures and super cute frog springers with bulging eyes - similar to the bulging eyes I had when I first saw this playground.

There is a spinning carousel, trail of blocks connected to poles, log balance beam trail and lots of engaging and beautiful sculptures of animals and birds - seek them out, they're hidden throughout the playground.

One side has a shelter with two tables, BBQs and water tap and on the opposite side of the playground there is another shelter with two tables. There is a grassy area for play which has a basketball court. There are no toilets.
The design of the playground is brilliant and kids of all ages can find fun and challenge here although it is best suited to primary school age.
The playground absolutely glistens in the sun and there is so much metal that is must have kept the Australian steel industry afloat during lockdown. All this metal could mean that kids will be frying under the dragon's breath on hot days in summer though.
Note: If you are travelling by car from the Princes Highway do not use Station Street since it is blocked off. It's better to use Siding Avenue.
Note: Watch your kids when getting out of cars when parked because the parking is on a road where drivers tend to speed. It also can be hard for drivers to see kids walking out between the cars.
Photo Credit for Aerial View: RubberTough Industries
6 Hansel Avenue, Officer 3809 Map