Doug Dean Reserve Playground, Nandiriog Drive, Delacombe

Doug Dean Reserve Playground, Nandiriog Drive, Delacombe

Something to keep most ages entertained. There is a big climbing structure with traverses ending in a wave slide for older kids. For younger kids there is a low structure with curved slide, spiral ladder, steps, hanging disks, stepping stones, cubby, shop front, abacus, bridges and panels. A frog see-saw, swings, sit-on carousel set at an angle and a birds nest swing.

Next to a lake with water birds. Toilets. Shelter with two tables and BBQ. There are areas with big rocks for climbing and a big gravel circuit with a rock every few metres - ideal for rockhound racing. A big grassy area and next to a BMX Track and Skate Park.



Nandiriog Drive,  Delacombe 3356 Map

Doug Dean Reserve Playground, Nandiriog Drive, DelacombeNandiriog Drive,, Delacombe, Victoria, 3356