Dog Off Leash areas for each Council area in Melbourne and Victoria

Follow the information and links below to find off-leash areas for dogs across Melbourne and regional Victoria.
If you plan to visit an off-leash park or beach, it is important that you can maintain control of your dog. You must be able to recall your dog promptly and place it back on a leash if the need arises.
The following behaviours are typically enforced by all councils:
- Always walk your dog on leash, unless in a designated off leash area.
- Always observe the on-leash, off-leash and dog-free areas and times
- Always carry a leash, even in an off-leash park or beach.
- Bring a plastic bag with you and pick up after your dog.
- Keep your dog close and within sight at off-leash areas and have control of your dog at all times.
- Dogs must not be allowed to chase or jump on people or other animals
- Make sure your dog does not damage public assets spaces, such as digging holes or chewing
Melbourne region:
Banyule Council
You are permitted to exercise your dog off lead in all parks except where restrictions have been imposed for environmental reasons such as near a wetland or to protect birds and native species. Signs have been erected in those areas where special controls have been imposed. Dogs off lead in these areas must be under effective control of their owners. What this means is that the dog must be within clear and unobstructed view of its owner and it must return to its owner upon command.
Dogs must be on-leash in the following areas:
- All streets, roads and car parks
- Within 5 metres of a designated shared footway (bike and pedestrian path)
These parks have fully fenced off-lead exercise areas with park benches, dog waste bins and drinking fountains with attached dog bowls:
- Price Park, Viewbank
- Ford Park, Bellfield
- Malahang Reserve, Heidelberg West
- Malcolm Blair Reserve, Eltham North
Bayside Council
Dogs must be on a leash at all times throughout Bayside unless you are located in a designated off leash area during the appropriate times. Dogs are prohibited entry to some parks and reserves, check signage before entry.
Dogs must be on-leash in the following areas:
- Within 20 metres of a children's play equipment area, an area where a public meeting is being held, a permanently designated barbeque and picnic area or an area where an organised sporting event is taking place.
- In all car parks.
Beach access as per this map is:
- Off leash all year: Sandown Street beach, Sandringham Harbour and Beaumaris Yacht Club Beach
- Off leash during specific parts of the year / times of the day: Middle Brighton beach, Dendy Street beach, Holloway Bend beach, Brighton beach, Hampton beach, Sandringham Life Saving beach, Sandringham beach, Edward Street beach, Half Moon Bay, Black Rock beach and part of Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Bayside Council area
A dog may be exercised off a chain, cord or leash (lead) in a designated reserve, if the owner:
- Carries a lead to bring the dog under their control if the dog behaves in a manner which threatens any person or animal
- Is able to promptly bring the dog under control by voice or hand command and then place the dog on a lead if necessary
- Does not allow the dog to worry or threaten any person or animal.
Dogs are prohibited within the immediate perimeter of any playground at all times, and must be on a lead if within 10 metres of the perimeter of a playground in a designated reserve at all times.
There are 51 off leash parks and no fenced dog parks.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Boroondara Council area
All dogs are to be kept on a leash in all public open space areas unless clearly signed as a designated off-leash area.
Keep your dog on a lead:
- In conservation areas
- Within 30 metres of children's play areas
- Near barbecue and outdoor eating areas
- Near informal sports or social events
- During formal sports events
- Within 5 metres of a walking/ bike path
- In heavy pedestrian traffic, on a school route.
- Davitt Drive Reserve, Deer Park
- Green Gully Reserve, Keilor Downs
- International Gardens Reserve, St Albans
- Wahgunyah Reserve, St Albans
- Duke Street Reserve, Sunshine North
- Roussac Reserve, Sunshine North
- Collenso Street Electricity Easement, Sunshine West
Dog Park REVIEWS for Brimbank Council area
Dogs can run freely and play without restriction in an off-lead park, however they must remain under effective control at all times and owners must be within 50 metres of their pet.
These parks have fully fenced off-lead exercise areas:
There are 10 off leash parks and two fenced dog parks.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Cardinia Council area
Dogs can be walked off leash in most parks and reserves. No dogs are allowed on any Parks Victoria land. Dogs must remain under effective control at all times whilst off leash.
You need to keep your dog on a leash:
- In all public places (including footpaths, schools, shopping centres, car parks, tracks and conservation bushland)
- In any location where a sign says that dogs must be on their leash
- In an active reserve where an organised sporting event is happening
- Within 20 metres of children's playgrounds and play equipment
- At any organised public meeting
- At any permanent BBQ or picnic area
- Pasadena Park, Clyde
- Selandra Boulevard Reserve, Clyde North
- Trueman Reserve, Cranbourne West
- Kalora Park Oval, Narre Warren North
Parks with fully fenced off-lead exercise areas are:
There are 39 locations where dogs are allowed off-leash including one fenced dog park.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Darebin Council area
Dogs must be on-leash within 10 metres of:
- An organised sporting event
- Children's playground
- Barbecue / picnic area
Dogs are prohibited from the Central Activities Area (CAA) of Frankston.
Due to the sensitive nature of the City's natural reserves, dogs are prohibited from the following reserves:
- Bunarong Park
- Casuarina Reserve
- George Pentland Botanic Gardens
- Langwarrin Flora and Fauna Reserve
- Studio Park
- Kananook Creek Reserve
- Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve
- Seaford Foreshore Reserve
- Seaford Wetlands Reserve
- Sweetwater Creek Reserve
Dog Park REVIEWS for Frankston Council area
Glen Eira
Dogs should be on a leash at all times in public places, except in certain parks and reserves that are designated off-leash areas.
Dogs are not permitted within 20 metres of:
- Playgrounds, barbecues or picnic areas
- Duncan Mackinnon Athletics Track and netball facilities
- Packer Park Velodrome
- Sportsgrounds during sporting events or event preparation
- Organised public meetings
This park has fully fenced off-lead exercise areas:
There are 24 shared use parks which have a designated area which is off-leash and another area which is on-leash. Three of these parks (Harleston Park, Greenmeadows Gardens and Hopetoun Gardens) only allow dogs to be off-leash between 6am and 9am.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Glen Eira Council area
Greater Dandenong
Dogs must only be off-leash in designated areas.
Conditions for being off-leash are:
- Dogs must be no more than 50 metres from the person walking them and under effective control by voice command or hand signal at all times.
- Dogs must remain on-leash in all areas if any club or school sport is being played in the park or reserve
- Dogs off-leash must not be within 20 metres of a playground at any time
- Dogs must not be allowed within 20 metres of a designated cycling path or track, unless they are separated from the track by a fence at least 1.2 metres in height.
There are 15 off-leash parks including 3 fenced dog parks.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Greater Dandenong Council area
Hobsons Bay
There are 14 locations where dogs are allowed off-leash including one fenced dog park.
Park with fully fenced off-lead exercise areas is:
There are two time restricted areas:
- Donald McClean Reserve, Spotswood (Dogs permitted off-leash before 8am and after 9pm every day)
- Edwards Reserve, Spotswood (Dogs permitted off-leash before 9am and after 9pm)
- Williamstown Beach - between the Life Saving Club and Sirens Restaurant
- Altona Beach - between Romawi and Mount Streets
Conditions for dogs being off-leash are:
- Dogs should be on a leash at all times in public places, except in certain parks and reserves that are designated off leash areas
- A number of off-leash areas are active sporting reserves. Dogs may not be let off the leash when organised sporting and community activities are being conducted on these reserves.
- Dogs must be on a leash within five metres of paths, even in off leash areas. This includes concrete, asphalt, or gravel paths.
- Dogs are required to be on a short leash (no longer than two metres) within 10 metres of formal picnic facilities, trails, sport events and outdoor exercise equipment, wetlands and water bodies, car parks, markets and community events.
- Dogs are required to be on a short leash (no longer than two metres) within 50 metres of a playspace or BMX/skate facility.
These parks have fully fenced off-lead exercise areas:
- Craigieburn Fenced Park, Craigieburn
- Dwyer Street, Kalkallo
- Sunbury Park, Sunbury
- Broadmeadows Fenced Park, Westmeadows
- Gibb Reserve, Dallas
- Progress Reserve, Coolaroo
- Hothlyn Drive Reserve, Craigieburn
- Hume Tennis and Community Centre, Craigieburn
- Bradford Avenue Reserve, Greenvale
- Drummond Street Reserve, Greenvale
- Jacana Reserve, Jacana
- Westmeadows Reserve, Westmeadows
Dog Park REVIEWS for Hume Council area
There are 36 parks with dog off-leash areas including 4 fenced dog parks.
Parks with fully fenced off-lead exercise areas are:
- Farm Road Reserve, Cheltenham
- Reg Marlow Reserve, Mentone
- Snowdon Reserve, Cheltenham
- Kevin Hayes Reserve, Mordialloc
Dog Park REVIEWS for Kingston Council area
Dogs may be off lead but under effective control in a public park or recreation reserve.
Dogs are to be on leads on footpaths, bike tracks, walking tracks, in shopping centres, car parks, within a reserve where an organised sporting event is being conducted, within a playground or play equipment area, within an organised public meeting, within a permanent barbecue or picnic area and conservation bushlands.
Conservation bushland areas where dogs must be on-lead include:
- Egan Lee Reserve
- Flamingo Road Reserve
- Gilmore Park Retarding Basin
- J W Manson Reserve
- Koolunga Native Reserve (except the lawn areas)
- Lakewood Reserve
- Tim Neville Arboretum
- Starlight Reserve
- Wicks Reserve (east and west)
- W G Morris Reserve
Dog Park REVIEWS for Knox Council area
Dogs must be on lead within 15 metres of permanent barbecue facilities, children's play equipment, organised sporting events, approved functions or public meetings.
These parks have fully fenced off-lead exercise areas:
There are 104 off-leash areas including two fenced dog parks.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Manningham Council area
Dogs must be on-lead:
- Within 30 metres of children's play equipment areas or any permanent barbeque or picnic areas (when in use) in any park.
- When sporting events are in progress on sports fields
There are 12 areas where dogs may be exercised off-lead including two fenced dog parks. Village Green (Maribyrnong) and Cruickshank Park (Yarraville) have time restrictions for off-leash access.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Maribyrnong Council area
There are 35 parks and reserves that have been designated as off-leash areas. Even in off-leash areas, dogs must be kept on lead at all times while on any shared path and within 15 metres of:
- Playgrounds or children's play equipment
- Public BBQ or picnic facilities
- An organised sporting event match or training session
Dogs are not permitted in some reserves to protect areas of conservation significance and biodiversity. They include Appletree Hill Reserve (Kilsyth South) (part that is fenced), Baringa Flora Sanctuary (Croydon North), Bedford Park Wildflower Sanctuary (Ringwood) (part that is fenced), Birts Hill Reserve (Croydon North), Bungalook Conservation Reserve (part that is fenced), Cheong Wildflower Reserve (Croydon), Grandfill Reserve (Croydon), FC Rogers Reserve (Heathmont), Loughies Bushland Reserve (Ringwood North) and Stringybark Rise Flora Sanctuary.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Maroondah Council area
Dogs must be on a leash if they are within 20 metres of a children's playground or a permanent barbecue and picnic area.
Dogs must remain on the leash near fountains, ponds and lakes and not enter any body of water. They are prohibited from the entire precinct of Trin Warren Tam-boore, the recycling wetland in Royal Park.
There are eight parks designated as off-leash areas for dogs including 2 fenced dog parks at
Dog Park REVIEWS for Melbourne Council area
There are four designated fenced areas where dogs may be exercised off-lead. These areas are identified by signs and have conditions which must be observed and obeyed when your dog is off lead.
The fenced dog parks are:
- Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve, Diggers Rest
- Boronia Drive, Hillside
- Navan Park, Melton
- Fraser Street Reserve, Melton South
Within a designated off-leash area, the owner/person in charge of the dog must bring the dog under control if it is or is likely to be within 20 metres of:
- An organised sporting or practice event
- An occupied children's playground
- An organised public meeting
- An occupied permanent barbecue or picnic area.
There is a fenced dog park at:
Dog Park REVIEWS for Monash Council area
Moonee Valley
Dogs to be kept on a leash at all times when in public place including roads, streets and footpaths. However, dogs can still be exercised off a leash in designated off-leash parks.
Dogs are prohibited from being within 15 metres of any children's playground, barbeque or exercise equipment.
There are nine parks and reserves where dogs can exercise off leash and 1 fenced dog park.
There is a fenced dog park at:
Dog Park REVIEWS for Moonee Valley Council area
Dogs must be under effective control by using a chain, cord or leash when the dog is within 1 metre of a shared pathway or within 15 metres of:
- Any playground or children's play equipment
- The principal location of an organised sporting or community event or festival
- The principal location of an organised public meeting
- A permanent barbecue or picnic area when in use.
There are 51 dog off-leash parks and reserves and two fenced dog parks. There are fenced dog parks at:
Dog Park REVIEWS for Moreland Council area
Mornington Peninsula
There are 62 dog leash free areas which are leash-free all the time all year and 21 of these are fully fenced.
There are time restrictions for leash-free at Dunns Road Reserve, Mt. Martha (dogs are prohibited during 8am - 10am and 3pm - 5pm on school days only but it is leash-free at all other times).
There are 3 beaches (Mothers Beach, Mornington; Sorrento Beach; Portsea Beach) where dogs are prohibited during daylight savings all day and night but are permitted 'on-leash' at other times of the year.
There are 11 beaches where dogs are allowed leash-free from 7pm to 9am the next day during daylight savings and are permitted leash-free at other times of the year. Dogs are prohibited from 9am to 7pm during daylight savings.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Mornington Peninsula Council area
Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 3 metres in the following areas:
- In all public parks and reserves except where signed
- Within 5 metres of a shared use path, and
- On all streets, roads, public car parks and footpaths.
- Within 5 metres of a childrens playground or public BBQ
- In environmentally sensitive areas
- In schools, kindergartens or childcare centres unless permission has been provided
- On all synthetic sporting surfaces
- Or in these public places:
- Diamond Creek Reserve, Diamond Creek (dogs are prohibited from entering wetland areas)
- Sweeneys Flats, Eltham (Parks Victoria land)
- Professors Hill Reserve, North Warrandyte
- Chase Reserve, North Warrandyte
- Blue Tongue Bend Reserve, North Warrandyte
- Temple Ridge and Bailey Gully Reserve, Wattle Glen
- Reserve, Watsons Creek
- Marngrook oval, Diamond Creek
- Coventry Oval, Diamond Creek
- All sporting ovals in Hurstbridge
- Diamond Creek Dog Park, Diamond Creek
- Eltham Lower Park Fenced Oval, Eltham
- Fergusons Paddock, Hurstbridge
Port Phillip
Dogs are prohibited from being within five metres of a children's playground, public barbecue or exercise equipment areas, from areas of Sandridge beach, sections of St Kilda West beach and Frank and Mary Crean Reserve in Middle Park.
Dogs are generally allowed off-leash on the beaches in the council area only from 1st April to 31st October as per this dog beach access map.
However, dogs are allowed off-leash year round at these beach areas:
- Sandridge Beach (eastern section)
- Port Melbourne Beach (between Port Melbourne Yacht Club and Lagoon Pier)
- St Kilda West Beach / St Kilda Harbour (excluding prohibited section)
- St Kilda Beach (southern end towards St Kilda Marina)
- Middle Park Beach (1 November - 31 March: Dogs permitted off leash only between 7.30pm -10.00am)
- Elwood Beach (At the northern end, 1 November - 31 March: Dogs permitted off leash only between 5.30am - 9.30am)
Dog Park REVIEWS for Port Phillip Council area
There are 27 off-lead parks and reserves and no fenced dog parks.
- Some off-lead areas can only be used during designated times, to allow for sports events or other community activities. Dogs are not permitted to run off-lead outside of these times.
- There are a number of parks and reserves (including Central Park, Ardrie Park and Victoria Gardens) where dogs are only permitted off-lead on the oval. Dogs are not permitted to run off-lead anywhere else and must be kept off the garden
- Dogs are not allowed on sports grounds during sports club and school training and match times, or in children's playground areas.
- All footpaths are on-lead areas
Dogs can only be off-leash in designated off-lead reserves. In all other public places, including while walking to the off-lead parks, on footpaths and in any other parks and reserves, you must have your dog on a lead.
In a public place, dogs are not permitted within 2.5 metres of the perimeter of:
- Any sports ground, field, court or similar during an organised sporting
- Any children's playspace
- A permanent barbeque or picnic area
- The principal location of an organised meeting
Dog Park REVIEWS for Whitehorse Council area
Dogs must be kept on a leash when in public places, except in designated 'off-leash' areas which are 7 fully fenced dog parks with agility and exercise equipment.
There are fenced dog parks at:
- Norris Bank Reserve, Bundoora
- Doreen Dog Park, Doreen
- Lyndarum Wetland, Epping
- Whittlesea Public Gardens, Lalor
- Creek Park, Mernda
- Delacombe Reserve, Mill Park
- Laurel Street, Whittlesea
There are 19 dog off-leash areas including 5 fenced dog parks.
There are fenced dog parks at:
- Saltwater Reserve, Point Cook
- Cindia Crescent, Tarneit
- Forsyth Park, Truganina
- Vibrandia Way, Truganina
- Presidents Park, Wyndham Vale
Dog Park REVIEWS for Wyndham Council area
The following restrictions apply to dogs in public places:
- Dogs are prohibited within playgrounds at any time.
- Dogs must be kept on-leash within 10 metres of playground areas, exercise equipment, BBQ and picnic facilities, skate parks, BMX facilities, authorised school events or other approved public events.
- Dogs must be kept on-leash on designated shared pathways and five metres either side, even if pathways run through off-leash areas.
- Dogs are allowed off-leash in unfenced sporting grounds only when the grounds are not in use for approved sporting events (including training) and must be kept on-leash within 10 metres of sporting grounds when they are in use for approved sporting events (including training).
- Dogs are not allowed on any sports grounds enclosed by fencing (except Victoria Park and Citizens Park) or any synthetic sports grounds.
- Dogs are not allowed in wetlands and other environmentally significant areas or in mulched areas and Council garden beds.
There are 28 dog off-leash areas including two Time Share reserves where dogs may be exercised off-leash before 9am or 10am and after 5pm. These are: Alphington Park (Fairfield) and Dame Nellie Melba Memorial Park (Richmond).
There are fenced dog parks at:
Dog Park REVIEWS for Yarra Council area
Yarra Ranges
Dogs are not permitted on ovals, sporting grounds, playgrounds, picnic and barbecue areas or the beach area at Lillydale Lake.
Dogs must be on lead in all Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water or Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) reserves unless otherwise stated. Dogs are not permitted in National Parks.
There are 29 off-lead dog parks and no fully fenced dog parks.
Dog Park REVIEWS for Yarra Ranges Council area
Regional Areas:
Alpine Shire Council
Dogs must be under proper control and on a chain, cord or leash municipal at recreation reserves and shopping centres. Dogs may be off leash in other areas but must at all times be under effective control of their handler.
Ararat Rural City Council
A person must not unleash a dog in a built up area unless in an area designated
and signposted for the purpose. There are designated off leash areas within the township of Ararat at Warrawee Park (4 Hucker Street), Elizabeth Park (57 Western Highway), Kokoda Park (30 McLellan Street), King Street (Cnr King Street and Flattely Street) and Centenary Park (Cnr Princes Street South and Marx Crescent).
Ballarat City Council
Bass Coast Shire Council
Baw Baw Shire Council
Benalla Rural City Council
Buloke Shire Council
There are no specific off leash areas established and the usual requirements regarding control under the Domestic Animals Act apply.
Campaspe Shire Council
Central Goldfields Shire Council
No response received from council
Colac Otway Shire Council
See the Colac Otway Dog on leash area map for on-leash areas in Colac, Beeac, Birregurra, Gellibrand, Apollo Bay, Lavers Hill and Forrest.
Corangamite Shire Council
The main shopping precincts in all towns in the Corangamite Shire are signed that dogs must be on lead. All other areas controlled by the council allow your dog to be off lead but must be under suitable control. Areas controlled by another Authority e.g. Port Campbell beach and Twelve Apostles Park which are controlled by Parks Victoria are signed accordingly.
East Gippsland Shire Council
At present there are no dog off leash areas within the East Gippsland Shire, however the provision of off leash areas for dogs within the shire is currently being investigated as to its viability.
Gannawarra Shire Council
Glenelg Shire Council
Golden Plains Shire Council
Under the current Local Law, Golden Plains has no "off leash" areas designated, however, your dog must be under effective control if you choose to run it off leash at any time. The new Local Law will come in during 2017 and will have designated "on leash" areas within each town.
Greater Bendigo City Council
Greater Geelong City Council
Greater Shepparton City Council
Hepburn Shire Council
There are defined "on leash areas". These areas are signed and generally within the township CBD's. All other areas are considered "off leash"; however all dogs must kept under effective control and not attack or harass anyone else.
Hindmarsh Shire Council
Dogs are required to be on-leash and there are no specific off-leash areas for dogs.
Horsham Rural City Council
Indigo Shire Council
Latrobe City Council
Loddon Shire Council
This Local Law requires dogs to be on a leash in built up areas unless in a designated off-leash area. Dogs can be exercised off-leash in reserves designated by the Loddon Shire Council in Schedule 5 of their local law. However, owners must carry a leash, cord, or chain to control their dog and ensure they don't worry others.
Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Mansfield Shire Council
There are two off leash areas: The Mansfield Botanic Gardens on the corner of High Street and Mansfield Whitfield Road, Mansfield and The Island in Jamieson which is accessible off the Mansfield-Woods Point Road (Bridge Street) in Jamieson.
Mildura Rural City Council
There aren't any dog off leash areas.
Mitchell Shire Council
No response received from council
Moira Shire Council
Moorabool Shire Council
Mount Alexander Shire Council
Moyne Shire Council
Murrindindi Shire Council
There are no specific leash off areas or dog parks within Murrindindi Shire. All dogs off leashes must be under effective control of their owners.
Northern Grampians Shire Council
Stawell has one off leash area at the back of the Caravan Park off Sutherland Street with all other municipal places in Stawell being on leash areas. St Arnaud has one off leash area at King Georges Park McMahon Street and as in Stawell all other areas are on-leash.
Pyrenees Shire Council
Borough of Queenscliffe
South Gippsland Shire Council
There are no specific areas requiring dogs to be on a leash. As long as the dog is under 'effective control', meaning that they obey your instructions and come when called, then they can go without a leash almost anywhere. If walking your dog in the CBD for example, then maybe have a leash on your dog, but it is not a requirement. The only exception would be the beaches in South Gippsland which come under the jurisdiction of Parks Victoria and may have different rules.
Southern Grampians Shire Council
No response received from council
Strathbogie Shire Council. The Euroa off-leash dog park is located at the Euroa Showgrounds, Cattle Pavilion, 9 Charles St, Euroa.
Surf Coast Shire Council
Swan Hill Rural City Council
No response received from council
Towong Shire Council
No response received from council
Wangaratta Rural City Council
Warrnambool City Council
26 dog off leash areas.
Wellington Shire Council
West Wimmera Shire Council
Does not require dogs to be on any leash within the shire, but the dog must be under effective control at all times. If your dog is not able to return to you when called at any time it must be on a leash.
Wodonga City Council
Yarriambiack Shire Council
No response received from council
Web Links
→ Fenced Dog Parks in Melbourne